Trojmezi is located near Hrcava village , it is a point where borders of three countries (Czech Republic , Poland and Slovakia ) meet. In 1995 there were bulit 3 triangular pyramidal monoliths of polished granite , which are 215cm heigh. Those Monolits are marked with national emblems , their names and each of them is located on ist own territory. Monolites are situated with its national emblems in the direction of place , where borders of 3 countries meet. Monumental documents – various papers, then newspapers and coins – were stored in the cylindrical holes of the individual monoliths. Nearby this „special place „ you will find a wooden Cottage , where you can rest.
From Trojmezi you can go back to Hrčava Village, where you can visit a beuatiful wooden church of St. Cyril and Methodius, near the Church is Lourdes cave with healing water. There are many opportunities for tourist where to go after visiting Hrcava and Trojmezi , for example oyu can go to he nearby village of Bukovec, Polish Jaworzynka, Slovakian villages Čierne or to the tourist cottage Gírová.