HomeInfo-enTourismKozubová chalet

Kozubová chalet

Kozubová chalet

There are many ways how to get to Kozubpvá chalet. We present you the one , which starts in Jablunkov.

Start of your trip :

Jablunkov you will follow blue tourist sign , which will lead you to the Bocanovice railway station. From this point you will be following green tourist sign untill Kozubová peak ( restaurant ) . At the top of Kozubová peak  is situated an observation tower , which is 18 meters high (1939) and is part of the chapel of St. Anna, which was built in 1936 – 1937. The chapel has always been place of regular pilgrimage. It takes place every July on Sunday before or after the feast of St. Anna. You can also visit the tower if you arrange it with the operators of the Chalet Kozubová. Phone no.: +420 558 330 050

After reaching Kozubová there is a possibility to continue youR moutain trip in the direction to the Kamenity , do not forget to watch yellow tourist sign. Kamenity Chalet offers you a wide range of delicious regional dishes and also outdoor attractions for children


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