Apart from classic projections cinema offers you also many various events.Below you can see the one , which were made by us.

LUNAPARK OF MOVIE INVENTIONS – film and educational workshop and performance for schools , children and adults. Children became acquainted with the very  beginnings of the movie industry. During workshop children also figured out  and then made their story . After that via laterna magica ( which was ancestor of projection devices) , children could play their own movie to their friends at the screen.


MEETINGS TO THE MOVIES –  it makes us joy , when we can invite creators of movies or guests ,which are able to talk abou this theme.


Dílny pro nejmenší – ve spolupráci se šikovnými lektorkami z domu dětí a mládeže jsme organizovali dílničky pro nejmenší. Děti si mohly po projekci krátkých pohádek svých oblinených hrdinů, vyrobit krásné podtácky, mávátka a zdobídka s jejich podobniznami. V současné době již tyto dílny neprovozujeme.


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